Formcarry uses several different techniques along with it's own algorithm to detect spam submissions, when we find a spam submission, we mark it as a spam.
For the Baby ๐Ÿ‘ถ plan we include the spam submissions inside the total submissions count, but for the paid plans we only count the normal submissions.
Please keep in mind that we don't delete a submission if we think it's a spam, we only mark it as a spam, the goal of spam protection is not decreasing the spam submissions you got, the aim is improving your performance when you lookup the submissions you got. Therefore we filter out the spam submissions when you check the submissions inside the dashboard, as well as we don't send email notifications for the spam submissions (which can be configured inside the dashboard).

Please follow these steps for a better spam protection:

Email Address is a great identifier for detecting spam submissions, therefore we expect an input with name="email"
<input type="email" name="email" />
You can also use honeypot:
<input type="hidden" name="_gotcha" />
If you still getting too many spam submissions, you can useย Google Recaptcha Integration