In this section, we will discuss the Form Submissions API, which allows you to retrieve a list of submissions for a specific form. This API supports pagination, filtering, and sorting options to help you fetch the data you need.

Base URL

The base URL for the Form Submissions API is https://formcarry.com/api/form


Internal API works pretty easy to begin with, every team has an API key that can be found under Integrations.
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Copy this key first, you are going to use it for authorization along the way.

Example Authorization:

Please pass your api_key in request header at every request you made to the API
With curl:
curl -H "api_key: YOUR_API_KEY" https://formcarry.com/api/auth
With Javascript:
// Create an object to store the request headers var headers = { "api_key": "Change With Your API Key" }; // Use the fetch API to send a request with the specified headers fetch("https://formcarry.com/api/auth", { headers: headers }) .then(function (response) { // Print the response to the console console.log(response); }) .catch(function (error) { // Print any error that occurred console.error(error); });
Example Response:
{ "status":"success", "message":"You are successfully authenticated, please pass your api_key in every requests header." }

Retrieve Form Submissions

Use the following endpoint to retrieve form submissions:
GET https://formcarry.com/api/form/:formid/submissions

Path Parameters

  • formid: Required. The unique identifier for the form whose submissions you want to retrieve.

Query Parameters

  • limit: Optional. The number of submissions to return per page. Default is 25, and the maximum value is 50.
  • page: Optional. The page number to return. Default is 1.
  • sort: Optional. The sorting criteria for the submissions. Use the format field:order, where field is the field to sort by and order is either 1 (ascending) or -1 (descending). By default, submissions are sorted by createdAt in descending order.
  • filter: Optional. Apply filters to the submissions using the filter query parameter. Filters should be in the format key:value, and multiple filters can be separated by commas.
Available filters:
  1. date: Filter submissions by the number of days ago. For example, date:7 filters submissions created within the last 7 days.
  1. attachments: Filter submissions based on whether they have attachments or not. Use true for submissions with attachments and false for submissions without attachments.
  1. spam: Filter submissions based on whether they are marked as spam or not. Use true for spam submissions and false for non-spam submissions.
  1. Custom filters for dynamic fields: Filter submissions based on specific field values. Use the format fieldname_contains:value to include submissions containing the value, and fieldname_notcontains:value to exclude submissions containing the value.
Note: Filtering by dynamic fields can be vulnerable to user input, so it's important to properly sanitize and validate the input to prevent potential security issues.


The response is a JSON object containing the following properties:
  • form: The unique identifier of the form whose submissions were requested.
  • results: The number of submissions returned in the current response.
  • pagination: An object containing pagination details.
    • current_page: The current page number.
    • previous_page: The previous page number, or null if there is no previous page.
    • next_page: The next page number, or null if there is no next page.
    • total_page: The total number of pages.
    • total_submissions: The total number of submissions for the form.
  • submissions: An array of submission objects. Each object contains the following properties:
    • _id: The unique identifier of the submission.
    • form: The unique identifier of the form the submission is associated with.
    • createdAt: The timestamp when the submission was created.
    • updatedAt: The timestamp when the submission was last updated.
    • fields: An array of objects containing the field values for the submission. Each object includes
    • Image without caption

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