
What is Zapier?

Through to Zapier:
Zapier is a tool for primarily non-technical users to connect together web apps.An integration between two apps is called a Zap. A Zap is made up of a Trigger and one or more Actions or Searches.Whenever the trigger happens in one app, Zapier will automatically perform the actions or searches in another app in order.

Creating A Zap with Formcarry

Before we start, hereโ€™s what youโ€™ll need:
  • A Formcarry account
  • A Form in Formcarry account
  • Submitting your Form by filling every fields at least one time
  • A Zapier account
Save this code now, we will mention it later:
<form action="https://formcarry.com/s/{Change With Your Form Id}" method="POST"> <input type="email" name="email" id="email"> <input type="submit" value=โ€œSubscribeโ€> </form>

Connecting Formcarry Account with Zapier

First, go to the Zapier and create a Zap.
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Youโ€™ll be redirected to Zap editor, search for formcarry.
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Choose formcarry then youโ€™ll have to choose the trigger.
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Choose new submission as the trigger.
New submission trigger will trigger your zap each time your form gets a new message.
Next you need to connect your formcarry account.
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Navigate to the Integrations page in formcarry dashboard, youโ€™ll see your Api Key
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Click copy, then paste it inside Zapier.
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After that your formcarry account will be connected to your Zapier account, and you can create a Zap using formcarry.
Important Note:ย Your form must have at least 1 submission to build a Zap, other way you will get an error

To learn more about creating a Zap, we suggest watching this video

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